The Institute of Building Consultants Inc. (IBC) is an Association of Practising Building Consultants and Associate Members

The IBC has developed and maintains this site for the benefit of its members and for all people interested in building matters, our aim is to provide a quality point of reference to our members and others.

The IBC has membership based on Practising and Associate Members.

The IBC strives for its membership to maintain the highest possible standard of professionalism, ethics, honesty, integrity and knowledge with a view that our members will provide professional and quality services.

The IBC encourages licensed builders and tradespeople and other building disciplines to join the IBC with a view to the future development of the necessary skills required to either become an Associate Member or a Practising Member.

The IBC holds monthly meetings for its members and guests.

Our primary objective is to provide IBC members with a forum that will broaden their knowledge while sharing their own valuable knowledge with other members.

The IBC monthly meetings include Guest Speakers on multiple educational topics after prior consultation with our members.

At each monthly meeting members and guests are invited to present a cautionary note & technical issues to the members.   Opportunity is then given for the members to discuss each item.  This is an ideal forum for members to present issues of difficulty they may have encountered and wish to learn more from other members.  This is an ideal forum to inform the group of changes and/or new products and/or new techniques etc. The building industry is forever changing and developing, without the monthly input of IBC members it is extremely difficult for an individual building consultant to maintain knowledge of all changes that have recently occurred or are about to occur or recent developments and changes in technologies.

The IBC provides an ideal medium for building consultants and other disciplines related to the building industry to learn and to develop professionally.

Executive Committee

President: Ian Johnson
Vice President:  Bruce Hall
Treasurer: Adam Nash-Smith
Secretary: Warwick MacGregor

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About Us

The IBC has developed and maintains this site for the benefit of its members and for all people interested in building matters, our aim is to provide a quality point of reference to our members and others.